Great News: 40 Senators Sign On To Save Net Neutrality
40 senators have just announced their support for a bill that would undo the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal!

This means we’ve cleared the first hurdle in the fight to save the open internet.
Congress can use a fast-track legislative process called the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to review and reverse new decisions from federal agencies. A few weeks ago, Sen. Ed Markey (D–Massachusetts) introduced a resolution that would overturn the FCC’s Net Neutrality-killing order.
Thanks to your help, the bill now has 40 co-sponsors — 10 more than the minimum needed to force a floor vote and just 11 shy of what we need to win the vote in the Senate.
Today should be celebrated as a victory, but we haven’t won yet. For Congress to reverse the FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal, we need to win a simple majority in both chambers. Call your senators and representative and urge them to use the CRA to restore the FCC’s Net Neutrality rules.