Muzzle Flashes Prove Multiple Shooters At Mandalay Bay In Las Vegas
by Curtis R Bizelli | Watchman of The End Times | Eternal Affairs Media
UPDATE 10-9-17 1206am: Our videos are being taken down and removed by Youtube and Facebook Elite! We’ve had to do our best at replacing them.
In this video a lot is uncovered and NOT ONE BIT OF IT IS BEING DISCUSSED MAINSTREAM!
Multiple muzzle flashes can be seen that sync with the gunshot sounds, and not one of the flashes came from the 32nd floor!
Also, CBS News reported BEFORE the event that there was an ISIS THREAT to LAS VEGAS!
Wake Up People!
Could Samir Al Hajib been the second shooter or what about the man mentioned in this Wanted Poster by filipino news?

UPDATE: Here’s another video of the muzzle blasts coming from the 4th floor! (Removed)
UPDATE: yet another video has surfaced. This time even more revealing than the first two. From a Taxi Driver, Watch: