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You’ve Been Hacked! Now What?


You’ve Been Hacked! Now What?


This was first published on SME Security Framework out of Australia:

Hello. My name is Roger.

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Today, I’d like to talk to you about the 10 things you have to do after you have been hacked. I’ve done a lot of videos about what to do to stop it from happening. But the trouble is, digital security is no such thing as a 100 percent secure.

So, I’d like to just go through some simple steps about what you need to do if you have been hacked.

One of the first things you do, don’t panic, okay? Stay calm. Because, if you panic, you’ll miss things. And if you miss things, then, you’ll continue to be hacked all the way along.

The second thing you need to do is reset all your passwords. Every password you can think of, log on to the site and change the password.

Third thing, check all your accounts. Have you got a PayPal account? Have you got a Google account? Make sure that you have those statements and have a look through.

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The next thing you need to do is check the connected accounts. There are number of websites that say log on with Facebook. Well, you need to de-authorize those and re-authorize them again with new passwords and new systems. De-authorize all those connected apps as well. Those apps, like banking apps that have an authorization component that is tied into your mobile phone.

If possible, things like Microsoft Office 365, Google apps, have two factors of identification. I’ve lost my password. We’ll send a code to your phone. You network that code back into the system, they will reset your password. Use it. Because two-factor identification will save you a lot of headache.

If you have not been able to recover all of your accounts, then you need to start talking to Facebook and Twitter, and LinkedIn, and all of those accounts that you really need access to. And most of them have a process that you have to prove who you are, but, you still have to go through that process.

Number nine, update everything. You’ve been hacked. The way that bad guys have got in, if I was you, this isn’t always across the board. If you have been hacked, you’ve been had, you’ve got malware on your iPhone or on your laptop, rebuild it from scratch. Because that’s the only way you get rid of 99.9 percent of malware. If you.ve got malware in your BIOS, then you have a really big problem.

The final thing you need to do is tell everybody. And this goes against everything that we are humanly possible. Because if you tell everybody, then they will think about protecting themselves as well. They may think about that email you sent them. But you need to tell everybody.

So, thank you very much. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Thank you very much.

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