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The Russian Attack Nobody is Talking About!


via The Horn News (with our own links included):

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Wake up America. Because when the real alarm sounds, it will be far too late.


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The media has made a big show of Putin’s involvement in leaks from the Hillary camp. All this hullabaloo misses the REAL Russian threat – something so sinister that it’s more than embarrassing… it could be deadly.

The Russian attacks they’re NOT talking about

A code connected to the Russian hacking operation called “Grizzly Steppe” was found inside a computer linked to a Vermont utility. Fortunately, it was discovered before a power outage occurred.

This time.

Just what were the Russians trying to do… spark a blackout in the middle of winter? Or test to see if they could get in undetected?


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Either way, the time for head-in-the-sand ignorance is over.

Bringing America to its knees won’t mean storming the border with artillery and troops. It can be done from anywhere in the world, at the click of a mouse.

The Russians already proved they can hack their way to blackouts. They’ve plunged parts of Ukraine into darkness with nothing more than a few keystrokes.

And “Grizzly Steppe” isn’t the first time someone tried to poke a hole in America’s crumbling electrical grid. It certainly won’t be the last.

Just a few years ago, on the other side of the country, snipers attacked 17 transformers near San Jose, California. Former Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Jon Wellinghoff described the ambush as “the most significant incident of domestic terrorism involving the grid that has ever occurred.” No arrests have ever been made.

And yet… despite a close call that nearly plunged Silicon Valley into total darkness, what has been done to shore up our aging and overtaxed electrical grid? Next to nothing.

If you’re waiting for the government to come to the rescue, I hope you enjoy candlelight and cold cereal.

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You need to do something for your own protection. NOW.

Even if our do-little Congress can see the threat, where’s the HUNDREDS of BILLIONS of dollars needed to replace 50-year-old technologies going to come from?

When the grid goes down, it won’t be the “inconvenient” interruption you’ve felt before. It could be weeks… months… or even years before America is fully functioning again.

That means no phone, lights, heat… no power for critical medical devices or communication. The end of days as we know them, for a very long time.

But you can protect your own life – and your way of life – with a lifeline of power that’s renewable, rechargeable, and doesn’t rely on fossil fuels or the crumbling electrical grid at all.

Power lights for safety and comfort. Your computer or cell phone, television… even small appliances like a freezer, or lifesaving medical equipment.

All without gas, fumes or noise.

You can see a live demo of this breakthrough device in action here

Our power grid is already crumbling. Each day it becomes more vulnerable to unpredictable weather, and the growing stress of our surging population. Now, it’s clearly under attack.

Lose power and it could be devastating. Unless you’re completely prepared…

>> Learn How To Survive Here <<

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