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Obama ‘Birther Issue’ Put To Rest With Proven Evidence Presented by Sheriff Joe Arpaio


Obama ‘Birther Issue’ Put To Rest With Proven Evidence Presented by Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Obama ‘Birther Issue’ Put To Rest With Proven Evidence Presented by Sheriff Joe Arpaio

by Curtis “Ray Biselliano” Bizelli | Watchman of The End Times | Eternal Affairs Media

We all knew that Obama’s birth certificate was fake from the beginning. He didn’t have one for the first three years in office. Then he produced the fake one, now proven by Sheriff Joe Arpaio to be fake. He presented his 5-year investigation / case to congress on Thursday, FINALLY, after eight years of being “shammed” by an Illegal President. I didn’t believe him for one second, but unfortunately a lot of people put the case to rest. We were insulted for our “birther” viewpoints left and right.

SOURCE: Rick Wells

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