FROM The National Pro Life Alliance

Last night, thanks to the pressure of NPLA members and other pro-lifers, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Pain Capable Abortion Ban by a vote of 242 to 184!
Now the fight will continue in the U.S. Senate where it is sure to face intense opposition from the abortion lobby.
But forcing any vote on protecting unborn babies capable of feeling pain throughout their entire bodies is a clear political winner.
In addition to saving thousands of lives each year, every vote on this bill exposes pro-abortion politicians as the radicals they are for refusing to support any restrictions on abortion-on-demand.
And thanks to the pro-life advances in the last election, you and I have never been better positioned to force a vote on late-term abortions.
So if you haven’t already, please sign the petition to your two U.S. Senators and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell by clicking here.
And if you have signed, please share this post with friends and family.
Every name added to this petition will build support in the U.S. Senate for the Pain Capable Abortion Ban as we grow ever closer to the ultimate goal of protecting ALL innocent, unborn life.