From Newsmax:
With the U.S. increasing its military forces in the Persian Gulf and Iran’s foreign minister openly warning that if sanctions are fully enforced, his nation will close the Strait of Hormuz and choke one-fifth of the world’s oil supply, many are asking: Is a war with Iran imminent?

On Tuesday, July 17, Newsmax’s new global intelligence and forecasting online service, LIGNET, will broadcast a special video briefing from top intelligence experts, including former CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden.
Some experts believe the Israeli military may strike Iran soon and that the “window” is closing for Israel to stop Iran’s nuclear program.
The threat of an escalation is real. And if Iran is struck, what would this do to the price of oil, the world economy and the stock market?
And would Iran retaliate against Israel and the U.S.?
In the past few days, the New York Times reported: “The United States has quietly moved significant military reinforcements into the Persian Gulf to deter the Iranian military from any possible attempt to shut the Strait of Hormuz and to increase the number of fighter jets capable of striking deep into Iran if the standoff over its nuclear program escalates.”
Iran continues to secretly enrich uranium amid reports that it is pushing forward with its nuclear weapons program, while diplomatic talks to thwart Iran’s program and stop pre-emptive Israeli airstrikes have so far failed.
LIGNET, a global intelligence resource prepared by intelligence experts, including former CIA analysts, national security officers, and presidential advisers, will be conducting an exclusive, high-level video briefing on the Iran crisis on Tuesday, July 17, 2012 at 11 AM EDT.
As a preferred Newsmax reader, you are invited to get VIP access to watch this important program. If you can’t make this time and date, you will have access for special repeat broadcasts.
In addition to Gen. Hayden, this LIGNET briefing will include transnational threat expert Arnaud de Borchgrave, an expert on the Middle East and geopolitics.
Also, LIGNET director Frederick Fleitz, a former veteran senior CIA analyst and former chief of staff to John Bolton, will participate.
Please note: This private forum will be available to LIGNET members only.
Due to the timely and critical information to be discussed, LIGNET is extending you a special, limited-time offer to begin a 30-day trial membership for just $1.00.
And during this 30-day trial membership, you will have full VIP access to the LIGNET Iran Briefing as well as LIGNET‘s critical analyses and intelligence reports from around the world.
To Obtain VIP Access to LIGNET and the Iran Briefing for Just $1 — Go Here Now.
Once you sign up with no risk and no obligation, you will have a spot reserved to watch this special briefing and get the most up-to-date and vital assessment about Iran’s real intentions, Israel’s plans, America’s role and a candid discussion of the economic, military and political implications if Israel or the United States were to attack Iran.
You will never watch a program like this on CNN, MSNBC or Fox News.
During this exclusive online program, LIGNET’s esteemed intelligence panel will answer:
- What is the full extent of Iran’s nuclear program?
- How soon could Iran have a nuclear weapon?
- Will President Obama accept a nuclear Iran?
- What are the prospects of an Israeli strike on Iran?
- How would Iran retaliate to an Israeli strike?
- Would such a response include biological, chemical or even “dirty” nuclear bombs?
- What are the chances Iran will make a pre-emptive strike against Israel or the U.S.?
- If Iran is attacked, will the world see a spike in oil prices?
- What are the implications for the dollar, the euro, and gold?
- And much, much more!
Please join the LIGNET Iran Briefing Tuesday, July 17 at 11 AM EDT (or during additional rebroadcasts).
We will send you an email reminder the day of the event.
The clock is ticking on Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Events that may change the world could happen soon.
Don’t get caught unprepared. Be the first to know and find out how you can better protect your wealth during these volatile times.
We strongly encourage you to join LIGNET and former CIA Director Michael Hayden for this Iran Briefing Tuesday, July 17 at 11 AM EDT.
RSVP Today and Gain Full Access for Just $1 — Go Here Now
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