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Obama Pushes For a NEW BILL OF RIGHTS!


We have a Bill of Rights, and by disregarding our civil rights already, the government has declared silent war on the citizens. The People Shall Prevail!

Here is a video I ran across on Facebook filmed by WebProNews .. Obama wants to do away with our civil rights (The Bill of Rights), replacing it with his own dictatorship … the awful part is nobody seems to care!

Listen to how calm these individuals are in the video. They bring up the WRONG CONCERNS.

The primary concern is not losing ad revenue and having sites starting to charge. Yes, that would detrimental to my business, but its NOT at the priority of my concerns. Its the freedom that this great land of America was founded upon that I’m concerned about. The Federal Trade Commission as well as The Federal Communications Commission is looking to completely take over the internet like they have the mainstream media.

I don’t have to preach to you because you know the truth. You have it at your disposal (at least while it lasts), You’re on this site = The truth powered by The Truth, however there are a lot out there that watch the TV news and think the Internet is evil. These are the people that are truly lost. They are plugged into the MATRIX of MAINSTREAM MEDIA; THEIR BRAINS BEING WATERED DOWN WITH GARBAGE!

The truth is on sites like this – On the internet! If we lose that, which they’re pushing to do (SOPA) (ACTA) (PIPA), We Lose Everything!

Its time for you to stand up and do something to make a difference. Call the White House, Call your State Representative and voice your concerns. Make a Video, Start a Blog, or at the very least, share this blog post with everyone you know! Do it NOW because soon you won’t have anymore Freedom of Speech. (sounds harsh, but its true).

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