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“Show Up and Allow God To Do The Work”: Butterfly w/ Veterans on Patrol ~ INTERVIEW ~ Update on Border Crisis & Child Trafficking

Screenshot - 8_6_2023 , 12_39_28 AM - help me - edited - featured - child sex trafficking - slavery - human trafficking - illegal immigration

Our children are the future generation, and their lives are valuable. Let’s protect them & fight for them

“Show Up and Allow God To Do The Work”: Butterfly w/ Veterans on Patrol ~ INTERVIEW ~ Update on Border Crisis & Child Trafficking

IMAGE VIA gettyimages.in

Welcome Back BUTTERFLY with VOP (Veterans on Patrol) to #EATruthRadio

Our EA Truth Radio Host, Andrew “Andy” Shecktor conducted this 2nd followup with Butterfly on August 1, 2023. 

Butterfly is down on the Southern US Border fighting child sex trafficking and illegal immigration. 

Our children are the future generation, and their lives are valuable. Let’s protect them & fight for them. 

Listen To This Interview Today and Get In Touch With VOP to Help Out: 

[email protected]


Get In Touch With VOP to Help Out: 

[email protected]

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