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What Does Jesus Himself Have to Say About The Dietary Laws of The Old Testament?


Longtime Pastor & Bestselling Author, Pastor Carl Gallups … takes on this topic in this riveting episode of ‘A RELEVANT WORD’ on EA Truth Radio! 

What does Jesus Himself have to say about The Dietary Laws of The Old Testament? … Longtime Pastor & Bestselling Author, Pastor Carl Gallups … takes on this topic in this riveting episode of ‘A RELEVANT WORD’ on EA Truth Radio! 

IMAGE VIA thebiblicalnutritionalist.com

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In a world where health and dietary choices are often debated, the Old Testament dietary laws remain a significant topic of discussion. In the latest episode, Pastor Carl Gallups sheds light on the relevance of these ancient regulations for modern believers. He emphasizes that while these laws were given to the Israelites thousands of years ago, their purpose was not to make individuals holier but to set them apart as God’s chosen people.

Pastor Gallups begins by recounting the historical context of these laws, explaining how the Israelites, fresh from slavery in Egypt, needed guidelines to establish a new identity as a nation. The dietary laws were part of a broader set of regulations aimed at promoting health, social order, and spiritual separation from pagan practices. He highlights that many of these laws were practical, given the lack of modern knowledge about germs and food preservation.

However, the episode takes a crucial turn as Pastor Gallups explores the teachings of Jesus and the Apostle Paul regarding these dietary restrictions. He references Mark chapter 7, where Jesus declares all foods clean, emphasizing that it is not what goes into a person that defiles them, but what comes out of their heart. This statement, he argues, fundamentally shifts the understanding of dietary laws for Christians.

Pastor Gallups also draws from Acts chapter 10, where Peter receives a vision from God, reinforcing the idea that no food is unclean if God has declared it clean. He illustrates how this revelation was not only about food but also about the inclusivity of the Gospel to Gentiles, breaking down barriers that once separated people.

The Apostle Paul further emphasizes this freedom in his letters, particularly in Colossians and Romans. He cautions believers against judging one another based on dietary choices, reminding them that everything created by God is good and should be received with thanksgiving. Pastor Gallups stresses that adhering to dietary laws does not equate to holiness; rather, it is our relationship with Christ that defines our spiritual standing.

As the episode concludes, Pastor Gallups encourages listeners to embrace the freedom found in Christ while being considerate of others’ beliefs and traditions. He underscores the importance of love and understanding in discussions about faith and dietary choices, reminding us that the heart of the matter lies in our relationship with God, not the food we consume.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone grappling with the intersection of faith and dietary laws. Pastor Gallups offers a fresh perspective that encourages believers to focus on what truly matters: a heart aligned with God and a spirit of love towards others. Tune in to gain deeper insights and practical wisdom on navigating these timeless issues in today’s world.

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