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If God Were a Formulaic Expression: Part 2 – A Sermonette by The Wandering Evangelist


A Sermonette by The Wandering Evangelist for Eternal Affairs Media

If God Were a Formulaic Expression: Part II

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Romans 10:10 “10 For with the heart man believers unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation..”

2 Timothy 2:15 “15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, Rightly dividing the word of truth.”

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Science is fond of formulas, and chief among all Science is the consistent use of Mathematics, which is also steeped in formulaic construct. That was how we started Part I of this series. Where we left off, though we were yet unfinished, was an intermediate conclusion that if God were boiled down to an equation, it must be quite equivalent to the sum of the Gospel, more than anything else. But what is the Gospel, but a revelation of the sum of God, and of his Word, in essence a circular self-confirming paradigm. We touched upon that, too, in several ways. But the most important variables we had come up with, did not paint the full picture. There is more to see, here.

We talked about God as Creator, the Alpha, and the Omega, tied to Judgment, which reflect God’s Law, his Righteousness, and the logical requirement of Perfect obedience. We evaluated that in light of Man’s imperfection, to further add Grace, Salvation, repentance, and the all important propitiation… the death-debt requiring blood sacrifice, firstly of the Old Testament, by valuable unflawed animals, and then in the New Testament, the precious Blood of Jesus Christ, for the remission of all our sins… the two Covenants. This was done in Love, that we might all be found innocent, and ascend to heaven just as did Christ, for Eternal Life. As I have said, this is the sum core of the Gospel message. But what lays or goes beyond all that? It is implied within the above, if you look for it.

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I see a big one hinted at in the variables of Law, Judgment, Covenant, and Love, for there is something unstated which all of them require, if to be of any value. Can you deduce it? There is one harder to see, thinking in terms of word relationships, but quite obvious on the fact of it… even present in the nature of the envelope within which we consider the matter at all. The first is Truth, and the second, Faith. For without theses things, the others cease to have relevance, or to function. Considering these, in turn, will lead us to others.

All written law is founded upon an absolute desire to have truth expressed and present in every aspect, which includes covenant contracts and court judgments, as well as judgment calls by law enforcement, as to if a law has been violated. God’s law is indeed quite so, as well. How could it be any less, and in fact, it is quite more so, for God’s truth is inerrant, unending, and never ambiguous, whereas Man’s law can often be flawed, inconsistently applied, and often difficult to understand or apply to a situation. Let’s look at those traits, for they are also lessons.

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Inerrancy: Psalms 12:6 “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” Proverbs 30:5 “ Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.” This speaks to the inerrancy and constant nature of God’s Word, as well (there are flawed translations of the Bible, but the original texts are deemed inerrant and self-confirming. I prefer the KJV, for such cause). But God’s Law is also of part of his ‘every word,’ and for the matter, we should cleave to every word of Scripture, that we may not claim ignorance (for it cannot absolve us, as true in Man’s law.) And, I like the use of the descriptives, pure, and purified, for that is an excellent trait of absolute truth: it is repeatedly tested to reject any tainted ‘truth,’ until only the raw unblemished truth remains… which sounds a lot like the refining process of a Christian’s heart, once in Christ.

IMAGE CREDIT: billmuehlenberg.com

And only where such is the case, can we fully put our trust into Truth, that trust being our Faith in and adherence to it, which actually is the very mechanism of that refining process of a Christian’s heart. I like Matthew Pools’ succinct sentiment on how such trust imparts and justifies our Faith, for it is the both the sponsor and justification for “…reliance upon (God’s) promises, joined with obedience to his commands.” That is, not only is the the basis for our faith, it is also the definition of it, which includes the practicing of it. It is the basis of our Sure Hope in salvation unto everlasting life. Pool echoes the opening of Hebrews 12:2; “ Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith…” Christ was the very Word of God, which means he was also pure Truth, and as Jesus, Truth Incarnate, the very description of perfection which was indeed within him despite being a living Man. Parallel parallels are afoot.

It is also our driving need to adhere to Christ’s admonishments to avoid sin, for the Law stings us with regretful repentance, and in so doing, to shew His light to the World through our light, in Him, and he in us. This sponsors our need to walk in that light, that others by seeing it manifest, might also seek it; the need, opportunity, and means of evangelizing the Word, that all might hear it. From 1 John 1:5~7 “5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” And how else can we have or grow fellowship, but by first sharing the Word to create new Brothers and Sisters in Christ, by such means?

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But the Word, like all absolute truth, is also unending, unchanging, and constant. It doe not waiver, dilute, bend, or loose relevance. This is the mistake of the liberal churches, and of liberal Bible translations; they loose touch with the rock-solid Truth, and diminish God’s presence and meaning in their lives, often to the point of no longer even being a true saving Church, becoming a cult. Matthew 5:18 “For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” Here, by ‘all is accomplished,’ means the Gospel is fulfilled, and all we in Christ are enjoined with Him, ascended in Heaven, for all eternity.

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If that sounds a bit like a carrot… Hebrews 4:12 is the stick. “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow and discerning the thought and intentions of the heart.” This shows us just how important God’s truth is, how potent and omnipresent and active within us, it is, and offers visions of consequence if not followed. Fortunately, we have the Gospel, which eases our path to salvation, for we do fail to well follow. But, through Christ we have Grace, forgiveness, and will thereby reach the goal by being found pure, in Christ, and He in us. All of this is why we driven in and by our Faith.

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And God’s truth is not ambiguous, though we often find ambiguity in translations, such a the Olde English of the KJV, and at times, things may seem less meaningful if we are not well studied in the Word. It almost always speaks directly, bluntly, even harshly, and is repeated in different forms, that no wriggle-room remains. When it does not so seem, that is our clue that more study is required. And while it is Man’s nature to willfully elect to interpret to other meanings, a true Christian will study the Word, question Man’s interpretation, seeking to have it explained based on the original Greek and Hebrew texts; a function of a proper Church Pastoral leadership, in Bible classes, and at times, in Sermon form. 1 Corinthians 14:33 “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.”  And regarding wriggle-prone thinking, Proverbs 30:5~6 (ESV) “5 Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. 6 Do not add to his words, lest he rebuke you and you be found a liar.”

It is true that there are some topics within the Bible which are devoid of clarity, for there are things which God intends to be a mystery, or a prophecy full of mysticism… and yet, deeper study often reveals that within that form of intentional ambiguity, is found some useful lesson, rather than a Law, though it may also point back to such a Law, wherein lays the lesson. Quite often for example, an Apostle or Christ may say something which seems to have a given and natural contextual meaning to the casual reader, but which to a Jew in their day, was a much, much more; a kind of pointer from the New Testament, to something found or said in the Old Testament, just as there are pointers in the Old, which only make sense when realizing their destinations in the New. Again, this is a good reason for organized and regular study with Pastoral guidance, relying on original texts, at times.

Atheists and Satanists pretending to be atheists, of course, love to pick at perceived ambiguities or seeming contradictions in Scripture as if disproving the Bible is God’s Word, and thereby, showing Faith a folly. The louder and more frequently they do so, and the more they reject the Truth, the more you realize you are likely dealing with a Satanist, for his agenda will not be deterred by truth, fact, or logical reasoning. 2 Timothy 3:16~17: “16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”

By all these things, we see that the variable of Faith is well found to be also present, therein. And though Faith is in us, is is sponsored by God, as a natural outcome of his steadfast nature. The sum of the variables express, enable, and empowers our Faith, are are those things which drive us to Faith, and in Faith, to walk in the light of Christ with Good Works and Evangelism. For the Gospel which we base our Faith upon is indeed a pure Truth of God, through the Son, sharing all those variables (traits) just discussed. For the source of our Faith is the sum, thereof; 1 Corinthians 2:4~5 “4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: 5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.” And what is the greatest power of God, but the Truth in his Word, by which we have Faith? And so we do find the Gospel Word in the fullness of Hebrews 12:2, revealing Christ as the Son of God, and the very force and substance of the Gospel, ”2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Therefore, we see any attempt to formulate an equation which expresses the essence of God, would need to consider many complex variables. We wound up Part I with the variables of Creation, Judgment, Law, Righteousness, Perfection, Grace, Salvation, Repentance, Propitiation, Covenants, and Love… to which here we have added Truth, itself Inerrant, Unending, and Unambiguous,  wherein we also found the basis of our Faith, and the Authority and Power of the Gospel, which sponsor Good Works, and Evangelism. Given the breadth and depth of each variable’s impact, we can foresee any such formulaic expression would likely fill the room-sized blackboards of a Research Physicist, and still leave us unable to grasp the fullness of it all.

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In the end, rather than attempting that absurdity, we should simply accept the normal defining attributes of God which sum them up with a kind of poetic simplicity: Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscience; all powerful, present everywhere, and all knowing. And yet, I can still think of one more word, which one way or another, is the final result of any such calculative effort. God can be easiest described as the ultimate form, expression, and source of this one, single word, and it is from among our list of variables. I could have opened with that word, transforming it to the core theme of the presentation, but elected instead to render it a climactic concession, at summary:

IMAGE VIA kindwordsandinspiration.com

God is the ultimate expression of Love, is the ultimate expression of God, is the ultimate expression of the Gospel, is the ultimate expression of our Faith, is the ultimate expression of the Law, and every other of the full list of variables, making it also the ultimate expression of God’s Glory, which is not a variable, despite being defining term, but rather, it is a byproduct of the sum of his being and nature.

Please join in prayer; “Dear God in Heaven, we are humbled by your great Glory, and in all the ways it is manifest in and through you and your Word, and especially as present within the power of the Gospel, for which we are truly grateful, and unworthy to receive. That you freely give it to all who seek it, is great testimony of your boundless Love and compassion. For this, and all blessings you shower us with, and even for the trials and tribulations by which you allow us to better learn the path of righteousness, and be chastened and strengthened thereby, we humbly thank you. Please motivate us to continue in our Faith as good Stewards of your Word, in the name of Jesus Christ,” Amen.

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Each issue is specially designed to be printed for physical distribution by you, as another Wandering Evangelist. Just two copies left at park or bus stop benches is all it takes to spread the Word and grow the number of Wandering Evangelists. Evangelism is our Commission from Christ, to undertake. About the Author: The Wandering Evangelist does not accept or request donations. He is an old, wandering sinner, who, desiring to evangelize well, has acquired a Degree in Divinity. He is not ordained and is not speaking for any specific Church Body, but would be happy to recommend  how to find a good one in your area, if requested. Feel free to write for any reason or need.

About Scripture quotes: herein, unless otherwise noted, the King James Version of the Bible is employed (KJV).

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