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Canada Building Interrogation Rooms to Prosecute Farmers for “Climate Crimes”

Extinction Rebellion Climate Crime Invesigators

The world food supply is about to be cut in half. Only half the current population will be able to eat

Canada Building Interrogation Rooms to Prosecute Farmers for “Climate Crimes”

Health Ranger reports:

Extinction Rebellion Climate Crime Invesigators
IMAGE VIA Mike Kemp/In Pictures via Getty Images

The Canadian government is constructing a new climate crimes prosecution and interrogation facility. This facility contains interrogation rooms and weapons armories.

What sort of “crimes” will be prosecuted in Canada using these interrogation rooms and weapons armories? Global governments have recently declared war on Nitrogen, the key element in crop fertilizer, and they appear to be poised to start interrogating farmers who apply nitrogen to their crops. Soon, you will hear news of “climate confessions” from farmers who are thrown in prison for engaging in agricultural practices that might produce food.

The world food supply is about to be cut in half. Only half the current population will be able to eat. The war has begun, and Nitrogen is one of the key targets of globalists.

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