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New Study: 33% of Teenagers Suffer Cardiovascular Side-Effects After Taking Pfizer Jab


New study sees one-in-three teenagers who took the Pfizer jab suffer cardiovascular side-effects

New Study: 33% of Teenagers Suffer Cardiovascular Side-Effects After Taking Pfizer Jab

A preprint study from Thailand has found that as many as one-third of teens who received the COVID shot suffered some form of subclinical cardiovascular adverse event, raising the prospect of hidden heart injuries occurring in a significant proportion of the vaccinated.

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A study has found cardiovascular adverse effects in around a third of teenagers following Pfizer COVID vaccination, and heart inflammation in one in 43, raising fresh concerns about the risks of vaccination for young people.

The preprint study (not yet peer-reviewed) enrolled 314 Thai adolescents aged 13–18, of which 13 were lost to follow up, leaving 301 who were monitored following vaccination. It found cardiovascular effects in 29.24 percent of participants, including tachycardia, palpitation and, in one patient, myopericarditis. Two patients had suspected pericarditis and four patients had suspected subclinical myocarditis. The most common cardiovascular effects were tachycardia (7.64 percent), shortness of breath (6.64 percent), palpitation (4.32 percent), chest pain (4.32 percent) and hypertension (3.99 percent).

The researchers noted that the “clinical presentation of myopericarditis after vaccination was usually mild, with all cases fully recovering within 14 days.” However, they added that “although clinical symptoms spontaneously resolved rapidly in all patients, the potential for cardiac fibrosis vaccine-related myocarditis remains unknown.”

The mechanism is unknown, they write, but it “may be related to the mRNA sequence that encodes for the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, or the immune response following vaccination.”

Seven instances of suspected heart inflammation (pericarditis, myocarditis, and myopericarditis) out of 301 people gives an incidence rate of 2.3 percent, or one in 43. Instances of cardiovascular adverse events more broadly were almost one in three.

A retrospective French study found that the rate of hospitalization with serious myocarditis following vaccination among 18–24 year-old males was one every 5,900 second Moderna doses (CI, 4,400-8,000) and one every 21,100 second Pfizer doses (CI, 17,400-26,000). The new study shows how much more frequent subclinical cardiovascular events are than these serious clinical events, raising the prospect of hidden heart injury occurring in a significant proportion of the vaccinated.

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