Upon Awakening, I Heard a Voice That I Believe Was Divinely Inspired …
Prophetic Dream Forecasts Possible Chaotic Events Preceding the 2024 Presidential Election
Mike Shreve with Charisma Magazine writes:
Just recently, upon awakening, I heard a voice that I believe was divinely inspired say: “1851 Insurrection.”
Immediately, I was struck with the uniqueness and strangeness of that statement—primarily because I was completely unaware of its historical context. Having no knowledge of such an event in the past, I was also oblivious to any possible future application—until I started digging online to find out the meaning of what God had spoken.
When I typed in a Google-search, much to my amazement, I discovered that phrase—“1851 Insurrection”—described an actual happening that took place in France that apparently was used as a symbol of what could possibly happen in the next few years in the United States.
Here is the backstory:
Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte (later to be called Napoleon III) was president of France. He strategically planned and executed a staged coup—while he was still in office. Acting out the subduing of the planned “anarchistic” uprising enabled him to stay in power and implement his reform programs, which included universal male suffrage—a broadening of the voter base.
That law made it legal for every man to vote regardless of income, property, religion, race or any other categorization. Universal male suffrage had previously been abolished by the assembly, because Bonaparte won over 70% of the vote when it was passed. The establishment was against that and wanted to push him out.
Read More at Charisma Magazine!