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United Airlines Leading Industry’s Efforts To Combat Human Trafficking


United Airlines Leading Industry’s Efforts To Combat Human Trafficking

The U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY – Office of Public Affairs released the following on December 7, 2018:
DHS Blue Campaign Announces Partnership with United Airlines

PHOTO CREDIT: thedailybeast.com


WASHINGTON – The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today announced a new industry partnership between the DHS Blue Campaign – the unified voice for DHS’s efforts to combat human trafficking – and United Airlines.

“The Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign is excited about its partnership with United Airlines. United has a robust human trafficking awareness training program and will be a leader in the airline industry’s efforts to combat human trafficking. Together, the Blue Campaign and United Airlines will share their resources and begin an endeavor to identify and alleviate the terrible toll of human trafficking,” said Trent Frazier, Executive Director of DHS Campaigns.

Through this partnership, the Blue Campaign will co-brand its awareness materials with United Airlines. These materials will further support United Airlines employee training, which empowers them to recognize indicators of human trafficking and report suspected cases. The Blue Campaign will also facilitate other types of outreach to educate United Airlines’ employees, including its crewmembers, about human trafficking.

“At United, safety is our top priority,” said Steve Morrissey, United’s vice president, regulatory and policy. “Partnering with the Department of Homeland Security and combining our collective resources further underscores our commitment to safety and strengthens our determination to recognize and report instances of human trafficking.”

The Blue Campaign leverages its partnerships with state and local governments, the private sector, and others, to protect the basic right of freedom and to bring those who exploit human lives to justice. As with other public-facing industries, the Blue Campaign looks forward to collaborating with United Airlines to combat human trafficking.

For more information about the Blue Campaign, click here.

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