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Who Are The True Israelites? Children of God?


Who Are The True Israelites? Children of God?

by Bruce McKerras | Faithwriters.com


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The people who hear the voice of Jesus and do what Jesus says: are my people of Israel, My Overcomers, the Victorious ones, literally the Israelites of God. Revelation 3:20-21 Not ethnic Israel, but the genuine Christian Israel of God. Galatians 6:15-16

Jesus sent His Disciple-Apostles to Israel and Israel alone. Their mission was amazingly successful, resulting in the millions of Christians worldwide. Revelation 3:20

They didn’t disobey Jesus’ Command, because the people who heard the Gospel and who responded, plainly were Israelites, the ‘dispersion’, as John 7:35 informs us.

The prophecy of Caiaphas, John 11:50-52, was that; Jesus would die for the nation, in order to gather together the scattered children of God.

Jesus calls us His sheep, because we hear Him. Just as Noah heard God, and just as Abraham heard God. God says that no other people have heard Him but those with the faith of Abraham. He tells us that these are the people He chose… because they heard Him. Deuteronomy 7:6-10
Ephesians 1:4-5 Before the foundation of the world, He chose those who would accept Christ to be His people, to be without blemish in His sight and full of love of Him and their fellow men. It was His good will and pleasure that we Christians are predestined to be adopted as God’s children through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.

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