ATTENTION: Possible False Flag Event At Georgia Middle School Three Weeks From Now
from insider source | reported by Curtis R Bizelli | Watchman of The End Times | Eternal Affairs Media
Keep in mind, these events can be avoided. Just because we report on it doesn’t mean it will happen. By us reporting on it and raising awareness, we can keep it from happening. With that being said, this is the message I saw on Facebook yesterday:
What’s going on in rural South Georgia? Several elementary schools are having ‘active shooter’ drills sometime in the next 3wks, without informing parents or allowing them to op-out.
They told the children at an assembly someone will be roaming the halls pretending to be a ‘bad guy’. This is a k-6 grade school of 250 kids.
There are often drills that take the place the same day as these “real shootings” which proves moreover that they are staged events. What’s the chances?