Very Sad Day For America: Texas Sheriff Says “NO MORE HUGS”

For one Texas sheriff, the wave of sexual misconduct allegations means it’s time for him to dial back his southern hospitality.
No more hugs.
Nueces County Sheriff Jim Kaelin posted on Facebook that he would be greeting people with handshakes and fist bumps only.
“To my FB friends let me say this to you…my hugging days (outside family and or close friends) are over. Sad, but you just don’t know when this hug might come back and bite you. The workplace, for one, can become hostile if an employee ‘feels’ threatened by your hugs…SO IT’S OVER. In the future I will offer a hand shake, or knuckle bump, but NO MORE HUGS.”
EA Media finds it very SAD that we’ve strayed so far into this sexual misconduct mess that we can’t even have innocent HUGS! We need more LOVE in this world. What do you think?