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What’s The Prophetic Significance of The Solar Eclipse 2017 & All These Signs?


CHARISMA NEWS: Prophecy About 911 Revisited After 16 Years …

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PHOTO CREDIT: news.wabe.org


What you are about to read is going to absolutely shock you. Rick Wiles has done outstanding work over at TruNews for well over a decade, and now, just days before the Aug. 21st solar eclipse, he has issued his most ominous warning ever. His warning is not directly related to the eclipse, but I find it extremely interesting that it is coming at approximately the same time, because many consider the eclipse itself to be some sort of warning. I was a TruNews listener way before I ever started The Economic Collapse Blog, and I know Rick’s track record. So I would take what follows very, very seriously.

In 1998, a very unusual series of events resulted in Rick meeting a wonderful Christian lady named Leah Mandell at a conference. Three years later, Leah made a very strange phone call to Rick on Aug. 11, 2001, which was precisely one month before the 9/11 attacks. When Rick answered his phone, Leah began telling him that “the alarms are ringing”:

She said, “Rick, something very odd is happening today. Alarm bells, everywhere I go today there are alarms ringing, car alarms, burglar alarms, fire alarms, even oven alarms, every place I go, I hear alarms ringing. What’s really strange is people are having trouble turning the alarms off. I go into stores, the alarm is ringing. I go into an office, the alarm is ringing. And they can’t get the things to turn off. The Lord told me, ‘Call Rick Wiles and tell him, “The alarms are ringing, and this time, they will not be turned off.”‘”

The moment she said that, Rick’s seatbelt alarm started ringing even though his seatbelt was fastened.

One month later was Sept. 11, 2001.

Exactly 16 years later, on Aug. 11, 2017, Leah called Rick again. She called to tell him that “the alarms are ringing” again and that she was seeing dead birds fall out of the sky everywhere…


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