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Canadian Gov. Resorts to Financial Terrorism Against Peaceful Citizens, Threatens Trump Supporters


Canada Gov’t Targets Trump Supporters, Says They “Ought to Be Worried” About Bank Accounts Being Frozen

Canadian Gov. Resorts to Financial Terrorism Against Peaceful Citizens, Threatens Trump Supporters

Health Ranger Report reports:


All governments eventually resort to terrorism against their own citizens when they don’t get the compliance they want. Now, as the freedom convoy participants in Canada are achieving real traction against the tyranny of Justin “Castro” Trudeau’s regime, that same regime has decided to engage in blatant acts of financial terrorism against Canadian citizens in order to try to destroy them.

Under Trudeau, Finance Minister and WEF governor Chrystia Freeland has announced that Canada will direct banks to steal all the money out of the accounts of protest participants and make their lives a kind of financial hell, all without any due process or the rule of law.

What Canada, Trudeau and TD Bank are demonstrating here for the entire world to see is that we can’t trust the financial institutions anymore, since they will collude with criminal governments to steal money from innocent people.

Canada Gov’t Targets Trump Supporters, Says They “Ought to Be Worried” About Bank Accounts Being Frozen

Matt Agorist of The Free Thought Project reports:

On Monday, the world — at least the free thinking, non-authoritarian world — was shocked when Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, declared dictatorial powers over the people of Canada by invoking wartime powers. He then labelled the peaceful protesters terrorists, claimed they were carrying out an “illegal occupation,” claimed the ability to seize their assets without due process using private banks, and empowered police and military to help him carry out those orders.

To anyone who has ever studied history, they see these moves by the Canadian government as a massive step to transform their parliamentary democracy into a fascist state. Freezing assets and government taking money from citizens over a peaceful protest, is a direct afront to any semblance of a free society.

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“This is about following the money. This is about stopping the financing of these illegal blockades,” Trudeau’s Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said during a press conference on Monday. “We are today serving notice if your truck is being used in these illegal blockades your corporate accounts will be frozen.”

Dan Bongino reports:

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