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The Elitist Establishment Cartel, The Old Guard is Dead

The Old Guard is Dead

By: Alice Connally Fisk


The elitist Establishment cartel.
Con-artists straight out of Hell.
Hot-shot hacks long entrenched and aloof.
A vast crooked machine. A smug scheming group.
Dirty backroom agendas, unfair and unwise.
Wheeling and dealing and copious lies.

Old-Guarders enforce their schemes of sheer trash
with promises, pledges, assurances, cash.
Two-faced and hell-bent to create a morass —
the downfall and demise of our great middle-class.
Establishment hacks in untrustworthy roles
cause stark gutter ratings in infinite polls.

Scandal-ridden egotists at all levels infest.
This mendacious Old Guard we place under arrest.
Through superPAC donations super favors are sought —
special treatment, string-pulling, pols easily bought.
Then there’s globalist powers that fully endorse
our vile corporate regimes ruling Congress full force.

Veiled fixes by tricksters as the lobbyist thrives.
Our middle-class crushed, daily losing their lives.
Propaganda assurances the snobs standard course.
They then change their wee minds and have no remorse.
Yes, Establishment corruption, graft, over & over
thrill old fat-cat pols ever rolling in clover.

…Our rank-and-file finally get it ‘bout powers-that-be
and pledge to halt all festivities of the high-spending spree.
Our people grown tired of top pols on a throne
and grown weary of shafts from the regal high-flown.
…A great exodus swings from elitist-rigged mire
to now join our great country’s fresh Spirit and fire.

Always one step ahead of the hack politician
WE THE PEOPLE  now form a rock-hard coalition
at long last to bury the old hierarchy deep
and our gutsy Old Glory to endearingly keep!
Revolutionaries in the vanguard never, ever shall slack.
Home-grown Patriots vow to NEVER Turn Back!!

written by poet Alice Connally Fisk 78-year-old great-grandmother, Melrose, NY




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